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Welcome to There is Hope, Canaan’s Restoration program

More than the name of our program, There is Hope is a promise for your life. Even if it seems as if life is ending, it may just be the beginning. We don’t know what it is you are going through, but we do know, THERE IS HOPE.

Ready to start the program?

The restoration program is a comprehensive guide that will walk you through each of the classes you need in order to complete your restoration journey.

Canaan’s vision:

We are a church of restoration, a refuge where those who suffer find comfort and hope

How to donate ?

Would you like to make a donation? We have many ways in which you can give.

Every Saturday

Location: 12015 SW 144th St. Miami, FL 33186

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Restoration Journey Roadmap




How else can we help you?

Contact us at