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There is Hope






Hay Esperanza



THERE IS HOPE is the miracle of restoration that God did, and continues to do, in our life. We had a stable marriage, two precious daughters, and we were the pastors of a church of thousands of people, seemingly very successful and very happy. But the golden castle came crumbling down until there was nothing left. We lost everything: family, marriage, church, status, our good name, finances, strength, faith and all hope.

The valley of the dry bones from Ezekiel 37 perfectly describes the picture of destruction that we were reduced to. How can something like this happen? Why did God allow all this? Where is God? What is the point of believing in You and serving You? What will become of us and our daughters? These and many other questions were part of a storm that not only seemed to have no end, but instead seemed to worsen and grow more violent every day.

We discovered over time that even though it seemed that God was not there, He was there all along. In the midst of the pain and that cruel storm, each one reached their lowest point and their time to surrender. It was there that we began to know the heart of the God whom we had served for so many years. It was there that He took us, began to heal us as individuals and subsequently as a couple and a family. It was there that we heard: There is Hope.

Ezekiel 37 also describes how God intervened supernaturally and raised a powerful army from nothing. This is precisely what God did with the broken pieces of our life…which even though seemed to be over, was about to begin.

We have all experienced pain, so this book is for you. We want to share with you the tools and treasures that God has given us in this path called a Life of Restoration. We trust in His promise that He will continue to repeat in others the miracle He did in us. He is capable of healing the sick, lifting up the fallen and resurrecting the dead.
In His embrace, always, There is Hope!

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Pastor Edwin Chavez
Teléfono en Colombia: +57 301 3609549
Email: [email protected]