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Inner Healing






Hay Esperanza



Break the chains of past pain and step into a life filled with God’s love, peace, and joy. 🌿 Discover the power of forgiveness, transform your deepest wounds, and experience a new way of living.

We dedicate this Inner Healing book and the Inner Healing Workbook to Brother Mickey Evans and Donna Robart, founders of Dunklin Memorial Camp and The Women’s Refuge of Vero Beach, respectively, communities/shelters that opened their doors to receive us at the lowest and darkest moment of our lives.

Without the love and truth they gave us, the theories of healing or restoration would never have made sense or borne fruit in our hearts. They loved us in times when it was very difficult to love each other, and they spoke to us the truth that set us free.

Definitely, and we are a testimony to this, in order to heal we need God and a community. Thank you Lord for the eternal blessing of Your

Presence and for Your anointing of healing on those who embraced us.

Most of the content of this material is based on the Dunklin Memorial Camp Inner Healing Manual. This includes the entire Introduction, The Condominium Concept, Broken Bridges, Rejection, Fruits of Rejection, Judgments, Grief, and The Purpose of Life.

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Pastor Edwin Chavez
Teléfono en Colombia: +57 301 3609549
Email: [email protected]