Now our recorded classes and live events are available on our new platform.

Hello, welcome! Come in!

Our doors and arms are open waiting for you. We always pray for those who are to come and ask God to fulfill His purposes in the life of each person He brings to Canaan. A while ago we fell into a dark abyss that seemed to never end. They were times of deep suffering, anguish and more loss than a heart can bear. We believed that our life: family, marriage and ministry had come to an end, however it was not so, on the contrary, the Lord gave us a new life. His ways are higher than ours and He always gives us more than we ask or dream. God not only restored our family, but He called us to collaborate with Him in the restoration of others. How? Simply by being a family, sharing our story, and the treasures received during our process. And so, in this way, many have come to seek refuge seeking help, have believed and have allowed the Lord to heal them. Today we are a community made up of people who were once without hope, dead in life, dedicated to giving hope and life, to loving, to comforting and to walking with those who say Yes to the Lord’s invitation to be healed. There is a place for you in Canaan, welcome.